movies - HOME

the big screen





* featured movies *

NOt sure what you want? Us too, man.

Confessions of a teenage Drama Queen (2004)

Lindsay Lohan is our Queen! Looking for an over dramatic theatre teen navigating her new life in the suburbs? Then look no further! Also these outfits are bomb, I want every single one!

Chicago (2002)

This Best Picture winner is an absolute favourite of ours. Despite being called Chicago, it was actually filmed in Toronto! Surprise! You can even pick out the famous Toronto castle, Casa Loma.

Hairspray (2007)

Looking for another Zack Efron musical? Well, babe, you found it! In 2007, Nikki Blonsky sang ‘Good Morning, Baltimore’ while walking the streets of Toronto and it’s been stuck in our heads ever since.

Everything I learned, I learned from the movies
— Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993)


The ‘female lead’ movie edit



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